Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Philosophy of Concrete Action

A new book of Su Beng's essays and writings was released on May 30, 2012. The collection was compiled and edited by: 余崇任、藍士博 / 美編

The title of the book has been translated as: Philosophy Praxis, but it could also be translated as: The Philosophy of Concrete Action.

Here's a translation of the basic information that appears on the above promotional poster for the book's release and press conference:

The left side of this promotional flyer indicates a date of 5/30, time of 7:00pm-9:00pm, and meeting place of A202 for a book release press conference.

On the right side it reads:

Su Beng [life chronology in brief]

1819 born in Shih Lin

1947 had gone to China to participate with the Chinese Communists

1950 had returned to Taiwan and begun organizing the Taiwan Revolutionary Armed Corps, wanted for [for plotting to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek]

1952 covertly escaped to Japan, where he lived in exile for over 40 years

1962 published Taiwan’s 400 Year History [Japanese language version]

1967 established the Taiwan Independence Association, advocated a leftist approach for Taiwan

1993 returned to Taiwan and continues to work for the Taiwan independence movement

Across the bottom of the flyer in large characters, it reads:

Su Beng (Taiwan's 400 Year History), Taiwan Independence Association unveils (The Philosophy of Concrete Action) with a book release press conference.

The event was sponsored by the Taiwan Association of University Professors.

Two book release press conferences for this book were held on May 30 and June 1. 

5/30: book release press conference at Ching Hwa University

6/1:  book release press conference at Dong Hwa University.

A more complete update on what Su Beng has been up to will be posted soon.

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