Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The TIAM will be out on the campaign trail

When I last spoke to Su Beng he said that he'd be taking the Taiwan Independence Action Motorcade to Tai Dong in December in a show of support of Tsai Ing-Wen, the Democratic Progressive Party Presidential candidate who will be campaigning there.

Here's the travel schedule of the Taiwan Independence Action Motorcade (TIAM) for the next few weeks:

12/07 9:00AM 台北出發→桃園→新竹→苗栗→台中 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taipei→Taoyuan→ Hsinchu→Miaoli→Taichung

12/08 9:00AM 台中出發 台中宣傳 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung. The TIAM will make its rounds in Taichung

12/09 9:00AM 台中出發→彰化→雲林→嘉義 (住嘉義)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung→Changhwa →Yulin→Chiayi

12/10 9:00AM 嘉義出發 嘉義宣傳 (住嘉義)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Chiayi

12/11 AM9:00嘉義出發→台南→高雄 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM from Chiayi→Tainan→Kaohsiung

12/12 9:00AM 高雄出發 高雄宣傳 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Kaohsiung

12/13 9:00AM 高雄出發 高雄宣傳 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Kaohsiung

12/14 台南成功大學(下午2點) (住高雄)
National Cheng Kung University in Tainan @ 2pm

12/15 9:00AM 高雄出發→台東 (住台東)
Start at 9:00 AM from Kaohsiung→Tai Dong

12/16 9:00AM 台東出發→玉里 (住玉里)
Start at 9:00 AM from Tai Dong→Yuli

12/17 9:00AM 玉里出發→花蓮 (住花蓮)
Start at 9:00 AM from Yuli→Hualien

12/18 9:00AM 花蓮出發 花蓮宣傳 (住花蓮)
Start at 9:00 AM from Hualien, The TIAM will make its rounds in Hualien

12/19 9:00AM 花蓮出發→高雄 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM from Hualien→Kaohsiung

12/20 9:00AM 高雄出發→台中 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Kaohsiung→Taichung

12/21 9:00AM 台中出發→苗栗→新竹→桃園→台北
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung→Miaoli→Hsinchu→Taoyuan→Taipei

Here are some photos from November 24th of Su Beng campaigning for Tsai Ing-Wen around Taipei:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

November 24, 2011

On November 24th Su Beng went to pay his respects to Ong Jiao-Dong, the President of the United Formosans for Independence. Mr. Ong was also the founder of the Taiwan Youth Association in Japan which published the Taiwan Youth magazine.

An article written (in Chinese)about his visit recently appeared on MSN here.

In this article Su Beng is quoted saying that Mr. Ong dedicated about 50-60 years of his life to the Taiwan independence movement and that there are probably about only about 5 others like him, still alive, who have dedicated their lives to the cause.

He also said that the overseas Taiwan independence movement first started in Japan in the 1950s where a provisional government of the Republic of Taiwan was formed. Around that time, Mr. Ong founded the Taiwan Youth Association, which was a precursor to the United Formosans for Independence. Later he and someone else formed the Taiwan Youth Magazine. In 1959 Su Beng was asked to work with them on the Taiwan Youth Magazine. The magazine helped spread the Taiwan independence movement from Japan to the U.S.

Su Beng described Mr. Ong was an open-minded man. Su Beng admitted that while the two of them had different opinions and used different strategies, they were both working toward the same goal, which was independence for Taiwan.

The author of the article asked Su Beng: As the elders of the Taiwan independence movement pass away will the Taiwan independence movement lose its roots or direction?

Su Beng's response was that he doesn't think so, as long as the island of Taiwan exists and the people of Taiwan still have their will, it will continue. Though Su Beng said that he may one day soon join Mr. Ong up above, the Taiwan independence movement will not just disappear.